Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Newsletter and wagon train

The wagon train will be July 8th and 9th. The wagons will roll out at 10:00 am sharp Friday morning. So be ready to go! Lunch on Friday will be on your own. The club will furnishing Chuck wagon chili for the main course for supper. Please bring something to share ( salad or dessert). A talent show will follow supper, so come ready to show off your talent! All teamsters must read and sign the safety packet (insurance requirement) and wagon train participants must be members. Saturday morning the club will provide breakfast burritos. Following the breakfast there will be another trail ride. Lunch on Saturday will be potluck. We will be going back to Rock Springs (same camp site as last year). Directions are at the bottom. If you need a map contact someone on the board or send an email to
As always the rules for this event include:
No guns
No Dogs
No stud horses
No alcohol
The insects may be healthy this year, so please bring plenty of insect spray for yourself and especially for your animals.
*** Clyde Avery was involved in an accident in May and has been in the hospital. He is doing better and is hoping to go home soon. A benefit dinner is being planned on his behalf. More information as it becomes available. ***
Up coming events

Northwest Draft Horse and Mule Classic will be held August 4th -6th at Idaho Horse Park 16200 Idaho Center Blvd Nampa, ID. For more info contact Von White 524-3535 or 681-5353 or visit
Southeastern Idaho Horse Power to Horse Power will be held August 19th and 20th at the Rigby, ID Rodeo Arena. This event is being put on by our association. More info as it becomes available.
Contact information:
President: Sally Bielby (208) 221-1039    Vice President: Clyde Avery
Directors: Von White (208) 524-3535 or (208) 681-5353

                   Dell Mangum (208) 785-6006
                    Laun Cook (208) 745-7511 or (208) 313-7279

Directions to Camp
Start at Intersection of Country Line Road and Highway 20
Go North 8.5 miles on Ilighway 20
After Snakc Rivcr Bridgc on Highway 20 go onc block
Turn right going East (at small grecn road sign) Archer
Continuc ovcr railroad track (6800 South) East 2.4 miles
Go to stop sign. 2000 West, turn South (Right)
At I mile road curves to Leli, stay on main road
Now you are going East on 7800 South. continue pass Big Jud's on the Right
Go 2.6 miles on 7800 South, road curves Right, stay straight on 7800 South
Go 0.3 miles, go uphill. main road is winding
Go 0.7 miles to stop sign
.Go 0.3 -miles.pavementends,.stay to the I.eli __
Go East 2.6 miles (gravel road)
Pavement starts. continue East 2.2 miles
Stop sign. turn Right going South
After 1.2 miles go slow over cattle guard, stay on main road southeast up a mountain
Pavement cnds 0.7 miles from callie guard
Go I mile to callie guard. Stay on main road
Go 0.7 milcs. Corrals on Left, cross callie guard
Stay on main road
Go 1.7 milcs to callie guard. Stay on main road
Go 0.6 miles, road forks, turn left onto narrow dirt road
I mile. turn Right to campsite
Approximately 19 miles from Ilighway 20 (Archer) to Camp

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Montana mule days

A few pictures from Montana mule days 2011

                                              Some very impresive 8 up teams!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yard work!

                                                  This is how Laun does yard work!