Follow the signs.
Dutch Oven Cook Off
- Friday for dinner, we would like to have a dutch oven cook off. The club will provide country style rib for you to cook. There will be a prize for the winners. Please call Ginger 208-313-4818 to let us know if you would like to participate. Please try to RSVP (We want a head count for food). Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share with everyone.
- Wagons ho at 10:00 A.M.
- The trail will be about 10-12 miles (Cottonwood loop that we did last year)
- We will stop for lunch on the trail (Bring your own lunch)
- Dinner -Potluck (Meat and drinks will be provided by the club)
- After dinner we’ll have an activity for the kids.
- Breakfast (Club will provide)
- Wagon ho at 10:00 A.M.
- Head back to camp for lunch.
-Put away camp and head for home.
- More than welcome to stay and camp with family.
Rules for Safety
-No Stud Horses - No Dogs -No Guns
Shoes for animals are recommended. Nice well maintained roads great for all wagons, carts ect.
Please come and show your support
Up coming events:
September 7th- Play day
November 2nd Annual Meeting/Elections
Date to be announced Auction and Banquet
We have been invited to participate in Madison County Centennial events as follows:
August 17th Wagon train/parade
October 5th Spud dig

President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819 Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353
Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818
Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279 Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177 Sally Bielby 221-1039
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