Come join us at our Spring Farming Day on Saturday April 20th at 10:00 a.m! It will be held at Mountain River Veterinary Hospital 3745 County Line Rd , Rigby. ( Same place as last year.) We will have equipment there, but if you have something feel free to bring it. We will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. Please bring a salad or desert to share. Bring a lawn chair if you have one! For more info call Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177
If you have something you would like on the blog or would like to be on our email list email us at
Please come and show your support
Up coming eventsMay 11th Spring Wagon train
July 19th -20th Wagon train
August 3rd Play dayNovember 2nd Annual Meeting/Elections
auction and banquet - date to be announced
We have been invited to participate in Madison County Centennial events as follows:
August 16th Wagon train
August 17th parade October 5th Spud dig
*Yearly dues are now due! You can send your dues to the treasure at 455 N 3950 E Rigby, ID 83442

President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819 Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353
Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818
Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279 Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177 Sally Bielby 221-1039
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