Friday, November 1, 2013

November Newsletter

Thank you to everyone who came out to out spud dig! We had a great turn out and everyone had a blast.



As the year nears its end it is time for elections! Please come join us on November 16th at 7:00 pm at Mountain River Veterinary Hospital (3745 E. County Line Rigby) to elect new officers and make future plans for the Association. We will be having a baked potato bar. Please bring a salad or dessert to share.



There has been a change made to the Constitution of the Intermountain Draft Horse & Mule Association Article VI Section 1 has been changed from “ The annual meeting of the Association shall be called by the president the first Saturday in November each year at which time the year’s business shall be discussed, officers elected and installed and plans made for the coming year” to “The annual meeting of the Association shall be called by the president annually each year at which time the year’s business shall be discussed, officers elected and installed and plans made for the coming year.”

Up coming events:
Date to be announced Auction and Banquet

 Like us on Facebook!

President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819 Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353

Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818

Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279 Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177 Sally Bielby 221-1039

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pictures from the spud dig

Here are a few pictures for our spud dig! Thanks to all those who came. We had a great turn out. A big thanks to Randy for letting us dig his field!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

October newsletter- Spud Dig

Thank you to everyone who came out to our play day. Everyone had a great time.

It’s that time of the year, harvest time! Please join us Saturday October 12th at 10 am (1000 N 2100 E see map) for our annual spud dig. There will be diggers available, so bring your team or even a single animal. Don’t have a team? Come watch or help pick spuds! Questions Call Von.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pictures from our play day

                                             Here are a few pictures from our play day.

                                                         Even the kids had fun!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

September newsletter- Play day

Thanks to all those that came to the wagon train and a big thanks to those that cooked ribs! Our next event is the play day! It will be held September 7th at 4:00 pm at the Rexburg outdoor arena. We ill have a log skid, barrel race, canadian maze, an obstacle course, and a game for the kids! We will also have hotdogs and drinks. Questions Call Von!

Please come and show your support
Up coming events:
November 2nd Annual Meeting/Elections
Date to be announced Auction and Banquet
We have been invited to participate in Madison County Centennial events as follows:
October 12th Spud dig

 Like us on Facebook!
President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819     Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353

Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818

Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279   Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177
                 Sally Bielby 221-1039





Friday, August 9, 2013

Madison County Wagon rides/parade

As part of Madison county's 100th year celebration they are wanting teamsters to come give wagon rides on Aug 16th at 6:30pm in rexburg ( see the map below, X is where the event will be.) There will be dutch oven cooking and music as well! On Aug 17th there will be a  heritage parade. It starts at 9 am at the Jr high, go down main street and end at the fairgrounds. Bring your teams or just come enjoy the fun.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

New baby!

A new arrival at the Cook's. (July 14th, 2013)

Here's Midnight at a few days old

 and at 2 weeks old

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mowing Hay

If anyone is interested in using their team to mow some hay, we know of a lady in Victor looking for someone to mow 1 to 2 1/2 acres (depending on how much you wanted to do). She has the mower and would like it to be done fairly soon! If your interested call Von for contact info 208-681-5353

Monday, July 15, 2013

Wagon Train

The Wagon Train will be Friday August 2nd- Saturday the 3rd in Kilgore, Idaho. There is a creek for watering animal, but please bring drinking water for your family. Please see map below.
Follow the signs.
Dutch Oven Cook Off
- Friday for dinner, we would like to have a dutch oven cook off. The club will provide country style rib for you to cook. There will be a prize for the winners. Please call Ginger 208-313-4818 to let us know if you would like to participate. Please try to RSVP (We want a head count for food). Please bring your favorite side dish or dessert to share with everyone.

- Wagons ho at 10:00 A.M.
- The trail will be about 10-12 miles (Cottonwood loop that we did last year)
- We will stop for lunch on the trail (Bring your own lunch)
- Dinner -Potluck (Meat and drinks will be provided by the club)
- After dinner we’ll have an activity for the kids.
- Breakfast (Club will provide)
- Wagon ho at 10:00 A.M.
- Head back to camp for lunch.
-Put away camp and head for home.
- More than welcome to stay and camp with family.
Rules for Safety
-No Stud Horses - No Dogs -No Guns
Shoes for animals are recommended. Nice well maintained roads great for all wagons, carts ect.

Please come and show your support
Up coming events:
September 7th- Play day
                                               November 2nd Annual Meeting/Elections
Date to be announced Auction and Banquet

We have been invited to participate in Madison County Centennial events as follows:
August 17th Wagon train/parade
October 5th Spud dig

 Like us on Facebook!

President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819 Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353

Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818

Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279 Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177 Sally Bielby 221-1039

Friday, July 12, 2013

National Day of the Cowboy

National Day of the Cowboy is July 27th. There will be a parade in Dubois and they are looking for teamsters to participate. Parade starts at 10 am. If you are interested in being in the parade be there at 9am! Questions call Von 681-5353

Monday, June 24, 2013

Wagon train

Due to scheduling conflicts the wagon train has been moved to Aug 2nd - 3rd.  We will reschedule the play day sometime in Sept. We will post more info as it becomes available.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Day wagon ride

There will be another day ride for anyone that would like to go. It will be on June 29th at 10:00am.
Take hwy 33 toward Rexburg/ Sage junction. We will meet at the first road with the cattle guard after you pass the road the dump is on. Bring your own lunch and drinks. (See map below) It will be 5 miles in, stop for lunch and 5 miles out. There will be shade and places to tie up.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Desert Drive June 1st

We are going on another day drive June 1st at 10 am. Bring your own lunch and drinks. See map

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wagon for sale

FOR SALE ... Light wagon ...  $1250.00 ..

 Four good 15 inch rubber tires on high speed axles  ... w/spare 

Interchangeable for either a single w/shaves, 
 Balance point approximately 4 to 6 inches ahead of the single tree..
   or team with a tongue and double trees and neck yolk. all metal 

Has a set of fold down steps on the side of the box,
  and a step built into the shaves for ease of getting on the seat. ..

Can be fitted with a canopy with curved bows  EXTRA $...  
Dell M. Mangum (208) 680-0087
Blackfoot, in  south east Idaho 

Delivery available .. ... 500 miles... 

Friday, May 24, 2013

4 up

This is Laun's first attempt at a 4 up. We were able to fumble our way through it thanks to Wade and Alan!
Watch a short video

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bingham County Commemorative Wagon Train and Trail Ride

 Thank you Dell for sharing this!  Here is the web page as provided by the Bingham County Commissioners with the info about the 3 day TRAIL and/or Wagon Train to celebrate the 150 year territory of Idaho and Bingham County..


Horse back riders welcome.. Wagons and teamsters... This is a good graded county road with plenty of ups and downs..(several STEEP GRADES) ... make sure your wagon has good brakes...Dell

Pictures and info on another wagon train

We just wanted to thank those who came out to the spring wagon train. We had 11 wagon/carts and one outrider! Here are a few pictures

Some people had so much fun they want to do it again!! There will be another wagon train June 1st at 10:00 AM see map below. Bring your own lunch and drinks. Questions call Dean 356-8819