Thanks to all those that came to the wagon train and a big thanks to those that cooked ribs! Our next event is the play day! It will be held September 7
th at 4:00 pm at the Rexburg outdoor arena. We ill have a log skid, barrel race, canadian maze, an obstacle course, and a game for the kids! We will also have hotdogs and drinks. Questions Call Von!
Please come and show your support
Up coming events:
November 2nd Annual Meeting/Elections
Date to be announced Auction and Banquet
We have been invited to participate in Madison County Centennial events as follows:
October 12th Spud dig
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President: Dean Jacobson 356-8819 Vice President: Von White 524-353- or 681-5353
Secretary-Treasure: Ginger Cook 745-7511 or 313-4818
Directors: Laun Cook 745-7511 or 313-7279 Kevin Manhart 529-8871 or 313-0177
Sally Bielby 221-1039