Friday, February 15, 2013

Thank you

Dear Friends , Neighbors and Intermountain Draft Horse and Mule Association members …
Thank you for allowing me to be part of the influencing leadership of the IDH&MA for the past three years.
I worked with some very dedicated folks.
I hope that you all continue to support the new Officers and Board members.
Continue to encourage the young folks coming up.
AND if you see someone that might be interested in joining us … Let them know they are welcome even if they only have one animal.
Big or small .. short ears or tall ..
We welcome them ALL
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall ………

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Thanks to all those that came out to our winter social/elections last night. Congratulations to our new officers.

President -  Dean Jacobson
Vice President -Von White
Secretary-Treasury - Ginger Cook
Director - Sally Bielby

We also inducted Clyde Avery and Burl Summers to our hall of fame.