Thursday, May 31, 2012

Get Your Hats!

      We've got some hats for sale. They are $12. We have a few different colors and styles.
Contact Maigan 208-206-0159 or Ginger 208-313-4818 if your interested in buy one.

Tan with a black brim

Grey with a navy brim

Cream with a black brim. (we only have 1 of these)

Red low profile style

Tan low profile style

Weiser River Wagon Train

Here are a few pictures from the Weiser River wagon train. There were about 15 wagons and a bunch of out riders . We started in Weiser on Friday and traveled 12 miles to our first camp. There were alot of bridges to cross and Von got his mules bridge broke! We ate some great food! Then on Saturday we traveled 20 miles to Midvale.  We camped in the city park, got to shower and listened to a band.  Sunday we traveled 18 miles to Goodrich. We saw a zebra (yep a zebra), a few herds of goats and some people even saw a mama bear and her two cubs. Then on Monday we traveled 10 miles to Council where we loaded up and headed home!

This is what we look like after 3 days of camping.

Jaxson was the only kid and made friends with everyone on the wagon train!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Horsedrawn tolley for sale!

FOR SALE: Horsedrawn Trolley. Seats 10-12 adults. Set up for a team, three abreast and sleigh. $1950.
Dean Jacobson, 208-356-8819.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pictures from plow day!

Plow day was a blast! We had pretty good weather and everyone had a good time! We want to give big THANKS to George Olaveson for letting us use his field!

I think this guy had the most fun!!